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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the nece sary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roas ted parts of sente nces. Contrary to popular belief, random is textnIt ha sroots in aradisematic cou nadisematic countr classical meatirs nisl id iaculis felis eu penatibus.
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You get three different awesome workouts on one video. Start off with a great custom martial arts yoga workout to increase your flexibility for high kicks and punches. Then amp up the workout with great Self Defense Combinations. You will be doing real Kempo Karate moves that you don't do in any kick boxing class anywhere! Finally end the workout with Martial Arts Pilates and Core exercises. This is a great way to end your workout to work your abs, obliques and glutes!!!
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Lindsey Graves"]Saturday I had the most amazing workout ever! If you are serious about getting fit and living a healthy lifestyle then I highly recommend Steve Fuentes SD FIT-6!![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Rolando Gamez"]Steve's SD FIT-6 workout is an awesome and unprecedented workout of the future!!![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Marsha Bevins"]I love Steve Fuentes SD FIT-6 workout and can't wait to see the results![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Steve Howard"]I have trained with Steve for many years and he has helped me get in the best shape of my life![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Maurice Perdomo"]Historically I have always just done bodybuilding workouts. However, Steve's SD FIT-6 workout got me to try yoga and martial arts. I thoroughly enjoyed the change and the workout is great! Nearly every morning I use the yoga and core portion of his video to increase my flexibility and work my abs.[/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Angie Conrad"]I love Steve's SD FIT-6 video and try and use it every morning. I find that it opens me up and is a great way to start my day. The workout has gotten me to think about being more safety conscience as well![/dt_sc_testimonial]
First Degree American Style Black Belt with over 30 years of experience
Currently sits on the board of directors for Chuck Norris Kick Start Program to help kids learn karate in schools
Former amateur PAL Boxing Coach
Amateur competitive Bodybuilding Champion having won:
First place in the N.P.C. Mr. Texas
First place and overall winner in the A.A.U. Mr. Southwest Texas Natural
Gold Medal Bodybuilding Champion in Alberta, Calgary, Canada at The World Police and Fire Games
Selected by Muscle and Fitness magazine in Americas best built cops Article, with his photo
2010 presented Best Body in Uniform award at Cache actors’ awards
Co-director of World Police Olympics in Dallas, Texas
Had the privilege of having his friend, Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman guest pose at two shows that Steve promoted
Former president of a Police and Fireman flag football league to promote sportsman ship and camaraderie
[dt_sc_button type="type1" iconstyle="no-icon" icon="fa-home" htext="" link="https://sdfit-6.com/about-2/" size="medium" animation="" bgcolor="#dd3333" variation="" textcolor="" target="_blank" class=""]Read More[/dt_sc_button][/dt_sc_two_third][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_fullwidth_section first][dt_sc_two_third first][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /]
SD FIT-6 Self Defense Fitness INC. wants to help everyone get the most enjoyment out of life by helping them get into great shape and feeling confident about themselves. Finally practicing a servant leadership lifestyle to help make the world a better place to live for everyone!
[dt_sc_button type="type1" iconstyle="no-icon" icon="fa-home" htext="" link="https://sdfit-6.com/shop/" size="medium" animation="" bgcolor="#dd3333" variation="" textcolor="" target="_blank" class=""]Buy Now[/dt_sc_button][/dt_sc_two_third][dt_sc_one_third ]
[dt_sc_team_two fname="Laci" lname="Moore" role="Former Army Sergeant/Martial Artist" image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/SD-Fit-6-Lacy-321x615.png" twitter="#" facebook="#" google="#" author_known="Black Belt World Champion, Decorated Cop"/]
[/dt_sc_one_third][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_fullwidth_section first][dt_sc_one_column first]
[/dt_sc_one_column][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][dt_sc_fullwidth_section backgroundcolor="" backgroundimage="http://wedesignthemes.com/themes/fitness-zone/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/paralax-5.png" opacity="" parallax="" backgroundrepeat="no-repeat" backgroundposition="center center" paddingtop="25px" paddingbottom="" textcolor="" class="full-paralax4" first][dt_sc_one_half first]
[/dt_sc_one_half][dt_sc_one_half ][dt_sc_hr_invisible /][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /][dt_sc_clear /]
You get three different awesome workouts on one video. Start off with a great custom martial arts yoga workout to increase your flexibility for high kicks and punches. Then amp up the workout with great Self Defense Combinations. You will be doing real Kempo Karate moves that you don't do in any kick boxing class anywhere! Finally end the workout with Martial Arts Pilates and Core exercises. This is a great way to end your workout to work your abs, obliques and glutes!!!
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Lindsey Graves"]Saturday I had the most amazing workout ever! If you are serious about getting fit and living a healthy lifestyle then I highly recommend Steve Fuentes SD FIT-6!![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Rolando Gamez"]Steve's SD FIT-6 workout is an awesome and unprecedented workout of the future!!![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Marsha Bevins"]I love Steve Fuentes SD FIT-6 workout and can't wait to see the results![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Steve Howard"]I have trained with Steve for many years and he has helped me get in the best shape of my life![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Maurice Perdomo"]Historically I have always just done bodybuilding workouts. However, Steve's SD FIT-6 workout got me to try yoga and martial arts. I thoroughly enjoyed the change and the workout is great! Nearly every morning I use the yoga and core portion of his video to increase my flexibility and work my abs.[/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Angie Conrad"]I love Steve's SD FIT-6 video and try and use it every morning. I find that it opens me up and is a great way to start my day. The workout has gotten me to think about being more safety conscience as well![/dt_sc_testimonial]
First Degree American Style Black Belt with over 30 years of experience
Currently sits on the board of directors for Chuck Norris Kick Start Program to help kids learn karate in schools
Former amateur PAL Boxing Coach
Amateur competitive Bodybuilding Champion having won:
First place in the N.P.C. Mr. Texas
First place and overall winner in the A.A.U. Mr. Southwest Texas Natural
Gold Medal Bodybuilding Champion in Alberta, Calgary, Canada at The World Police and Fire Games
Selected by Muscle and Fitness magazine in Americas best built cops Article, with his photo
2010 presented Best Body in Uniform award at Cache actors’ awards
Co-director of World Police Olympics in Dallas, Texas
Had the privilege of having his friend, Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman guest pose at two shows that Steve promoted
Former president of a Police and Fireman flag football league to promote sportsman ship and camaraderie
[dt_sc_button type="type1" iconstyle="no-icon" icon="fa-home" htext="" link="https://sdfit-6.com/about-2/" size="medium" animation="" bgcolor="#dd3333" variation="" textcolor="" target="_blank" class=""]Read More[/dt_sc_button][/dt_sc_two_third][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_fullwidth_section first][dt_sc_two_third first][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /]
SD FIT-6 Self Defense Fitness INC. wants to help everyone get the most enjoyment out of life by helping them get into great shape and feeling confident about themselves. Finally practicing a servant leadership lifestyle to help make the world a better place to live for everyone!
[dt_sc_button type="type1" iconstyle="no-icon" icon="fa-home" htext="" link="https://sdfit-6.com/shop/" size="medium" animation="" bgcolor="#dd3333" variation="" textcolor="" target="_blank" class=""]Buy Now[/dt_sc_button][/dt_sc_two_third][dt_sc_one_third ]
[dt_sc_team_two fname="Laci" lname="Moore" role="Former Army Sergeant/Martial Artist" image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/SD-Fit-6-Lacy-321x615.png" twitter="#" facebook="#" google="#" author_known="Black Belt World Champion, Decorated Cop"/]
[/dt_sc_one_third][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_fullwidth_section first][dt_sc_one_column first]
[/dt_sc_one_column][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][dt_sc_fullwidth_section backgroundcolor="" backgroundimage="http://wedesignthemes.com/themes/fitness-zone/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/paralax-5.png" opacity="" parallax="" backgroundrepeat="no-repeat" backgroundposition="center center" paddingtop="25px" paddingbottom="" textcolor="" class="full-paralax4" first][dt_sc_one_half first]
[/dt_sc_one_half][dt_sc_one_half ][dt_sc_hr_invisible /][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /][dt_sc_clear /]
You get three different awesome workouts on one video. Start off with a great custom martial arts yoga workout to increase your flexibility for high kicks and punches. Then amp up the workout with great Self Defense Combinations. You will be doing real Kempo Karate moves that you don't do in any kick boxing class anywhere! Finally end the workout with Martial Arts Pilates and Core exercises. This is a great way to end your workout to work your abs, obliques and glutes!!!
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Lindsey Graves"]Saturday I had the most amazing workout ever! If you are serious about getting fit and living a healthy lifestyle then I highly recommend Steve Fuentes SD FIT-6!![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Rolando Gamez"]Steve's SD FIT-6 workout is an awesome and unprecedented workout of the future!!![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Marsha Bevins"]I love Steve Fuentes SD FIT-6 workout and can't wait to see the results![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Steve Howard"]I have trained with Steve for many years and he has helped me get in the best shape of my life![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Maurice Perdomo"]Historically I have always just done bodybuilding workouts. However, Steve's SD FIT-6 workout got me to try yoga and martial arts. I thoroughly enjoyed the change and the workout is great! Nearly every morning I use the yoga and core portion of his video to increase my flexibility and work my abs.[/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_testimonial image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Be-the-Baddest-icon-only-300.png" name="Angie Conrad"]I love Steve's SD FIT-6 video and try and use it every morning. I find that it opens me up and is a great way to start my day. The workout has gotten me to think about being more safety conscience as well![/dt_sc_testimonial]
First Degree American Style Black Belt with over 30 years of experience
Currently sits on the board of directors for Chuck Norris Kick Start Program to help kids learn karate in schools
Former amateur PAL Boxing Coach
Amateur competitive Bodybuilding Champion having won:
First place in the N.P.C. Mr. Texas
First place and overall winner in the A.A.U. Mr. Southwest Texas Natural
Gold Medal Bodybuilding Champion in Alberta, Calgary, Canada at The World Police and Fire Games
Selected by Muscle and Fitness magazine in Americas best built cops Article, with his photo
2010 presented Best Body in Uniform award at Cache actors’ awards
Co-director of World Police Olympics in Dallas, Texas
Had the privilege of having his friend, Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman guest pose at two shows that Steve promoted
Former president of a Police and Fireman flag football league to promote sportsman ship and camaraderie
[dt_sc_button type="type1" iconstyle="no-icon" icon="fa-home" htext="" link="https://sdfit-6.com/about-2/" size="medium" animation="" bgcolor="#dd3333" variation="" textcolor="" target="_blank" class=""]Read More[/dt_sc_button][/dt_sc_two_third][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_fullwidth_section first][dt_sc_two_third first][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /]
SD FIT-6 Self Defense Fitness INC. wants to help everyone get the most enjoyment out of life by helping them get into great shape and feeling confident about themselves. Finally practicing a servant leadership lifestyle to help make the world a better place to live for everyone!
[dt_sc_button type="type1" iconstyle="no-icon" icon="fa-home" htext="" link="https://sdfit-6.com/shop/" size="medium" animation="" bgcolor="#dd3333" variation="" textcolor="" target="_blank" class=""]Buy Now[/dt_sc_button][/dt_sc_two_third][dt_sc_one_third ]
[dt_sc_team_two fname="Laci" lname="Moore" role="Former Army Sergeant/Martial Artist" image="https://sdfit-6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/SD-Fit-6-Lacy-321x615.png" twitter="#" facebook="#" google="#" author_known="Black Belt World Champion, Decorated Cop"/]
[/dt_sc_one_third][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_fullwidth_section first][dt_sc_one_column first]
[/dt_sc_one_column][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /][/dt_sc_fullwidth_section][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][dt_sc_fullwidth_section backgroundcolor="" backgroundimage="http://wedesignthemes.com/themes/fitness-zone/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/paralax-5.png" opacity="" parallax="" backgroundrepeat="no-repeat" backgroundposition="center center" paddingtop="25px" paddingbottom="" textcolor="" class="full-paralax4" first][dt_sc_one_half first]
[/dt_sc_one_half][dt_sc_one_half ][dt_sc_hr_invisible /][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /][dt_sc_clear /]
Our Group Cycling sessions start from beginner to intermediate levels
of cycling, and we coordinate the cycling programme with a high intensity
music-based workout.
How do I know if this
We can offer beginner classes, intermediate level classes and express
30 minute classes – all designed to help you improve on your cycling
skills. If you’re looking for a great new way to enjoy cycling indoors,
sign up today to make new friends whilst keeping fit!
What do I need to
A bottle of water, a towel, and comfortable footwear and clothing.
You can also bring any cycling accessories you may want e.g. a
padded seat.
Are you Interested? Sign Up For this Class
It’s very easy to sign up for a class on the Fittlife app or on our website by filling in the form below.
Don’t worry if you’re new to classes and let the trainer know when you arrive. Our trainers will help you to get started so you can start at your own pace.
By browsing this website, you agree to our privacy policy.